About Us
When I first entered the teaching profession, over 31 years ago. I came from a long line of teachers - grandmother, aunt, mom, dad and sister. It was not long after I started my teaching career that I decided to carry it one step farther and marry a soon to be teacher.
I not only was impressed with the teachers (as professionals) but also with what they did away from school. I just didn’t realize what teachers did after the school day was done. Over the years though, I became even more amazed at what I saw and heard: all the interesting “crafts” teachers did outside of the school day. These crafts included: writing books, wood working, painting, owning apartments (which I became involved with), selling insurance, giving lessons (scholastic, sports, music, etc.) performing in bands, throwing pottery, and the list goes on.
That is why I created this site over 15 years ago. My goal is to provide a place where teachers can advertise their craft.
I hope that you find this site useful in advertising your craft or for shopping for crafts from other teachers.
I hope that you enjoy the site and spread the word.